Mammography Van Inauguration

In a significant stride towards healthcare accessibility and cancer prevention, the MOC Cancer Care Foundation has collaborated with SBI General Insurance Co. Ltd. and Tata Capital Ltd. to launch mammography van. This initiative aims to address the pressing need for early detection and intervention in breast cancer cases, particularly among under-served communities.

SBI General Insurance Co. Ltd. and Tata Capital Ltd. have generously supported through their CSR Initiative, the acquisition of the mammography screening van and equipment. This van is equipped with mammography screening equipment and will be staffed with trained medical professionals to conduct screening camps effectively. This van is also equipped to screen women for cervical cancer and oral cancer as well.

The primary objective of this initiative is to provide subsidized / free cancer screening services to women across urban and rural Maharashtra. The initiative aims to bridge the gap in healthcare access and raise awareness about the importance of early detection in combating breast cancer, cervical cancer and oral cancer.

The screening camps are strategically planned to reach diverse communities across rural and urban Maharashtra. This camps will be set up in busy neighbourhoods, markets, and community centres to maximize outreach. The van shall travel to remote villages and conduct camps in the rural areas under collaboration with local healthcare authorities and community leaders. In the past, Hundreds of women have benefited from the screening camps, with many cases of early-stage cancer detected and referred for timely treatment.

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Street Play Report @ Bandra

On February 16, 2024, we organized a street play in collaboration with NSS volunteers from Chetana College. Our chosen venue was the bustling areas around Bandra Government Colony and the Bandra East bus station, known for their high footfall, particularly of office-goers.

The NSS volunteers began by creating an energetic atmosphere, using drums to gather crowds and attract the attention of passers-by. Once a sufficient audience had gathered, the street play commenced with a captivating Bollywood song, setting the stage for the important message we aimed to deliver.

Through engaging performances, the students conveyed valuable information about cancer—its causes, spread, and prevention methods. They discussed the various types of cancer, shedding light on the significance of awareness, myths and early detection in combating this widespread disease. The audience was educated on the importance of adopting healthy lifestyle choices and undergoing regular screenings to reduce the risk of cancer.

Our street play on cancer awareness was a resounding success as we performed at two strategic locations. With precision and passion, we effectively delivered our message to the community. Through compelling performances, we illuminated the importance of cancer awareness, leaving a lasting impression on our audience.

Overall, the street play served as a powerful medium to disseminate crucial information about cancer awareness and prevention, leaving a lasting impact on the community.

Link for video of the street play

Some of the glimpses of the street plays

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Music Therapy Session @ MOC Ghatkopar

On Saturday, October 28, 2023, the MOCF organized a music therapy session for cancer patients at the MOC Ghatkopar center, scheduled for 11 o’clock. The guest therapist leading the session was Binal Shah. She initiated the session with a brief introduction of herself and encouraged the patients to introduce themselves. Following these introductions, Binal distributed musical instruments to each participant and commenced the therapy.

Binal explained the process to everyone: she would set the rhythm of the music by clapping or tapping, and the participants would then replicate the rhythm using the instruments in their hands. She then divided the group into two teams and provided instructions to each group individually.

The session began with Binal creating rhythms through tapping and clapping, gradually transitioning into singing. She sang the notes SA, RE, GA, MA, PA, DH, NI, SA, and, as previously instructed, the participants copied her by playing their instruments. Binal took the time to emphasize the significance of this activity and its therapeutic benefits.

At the conclusion of the session, Binal asked everyone to close their eyes and guided them through “Brahmani Pranayama,” which involved sounding the OM mantra in two different ways. The first involved inhaling and vocalizing OM with a full voice, while the second required inhaling and producing a buzzing sound, similar to a honeybees.

After that, Binal continued to create a peaceful atmosphere by playing a soothing tune on the tongue drum called “RAG BHOPALI.” The gentle sounds of the drum had a calming effect on the participants, making them feel like their inner selves were in sync with the music.

When Binal played “RAG BHOPALI” softly, everyone stayed relaxed. But when the music became more powerful and louder, something interesting happened. The participants’ bodies naturally tried to match the rhythm and feeling of the music. Many people shared their thoughts about this experience during the Q&A session.

To conclude the session, Binal shared a regular schedule for everyone to follow. Afterward, we wrapped up the event with some snacks and took a group picture.

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Fun and Recreational Activity @ MOC Kemps Corner

On November 8th, we organized Fun and Recreational activity at Kemps Corner Centre for our fellow warriors fighting against cancer. It was a day filled with good vibes and happy moments.
We started things off with some feel-good songs, setting the mood for a great time. The highlight was a fun game of Houji that got everyone laughing and enjoying themselves.
After the games, we invited everyone to share something special if they wanted to. It was heartening to see people dance, share their love stories, and crack jokes. Our community showed real strength and brought a mix of emotions to the table.
Adding to the fun, some volunteers from the group showcased their talents, making the day even more special.
As we cranked up the music, the centre turned into a dance floor. Participants got their groove on, and some even joined in for a lively round of Garba, making the celebration even more lively.
Overall, it was a break from the tough times of fighting cancer. The day was all about sharing joy, building connections, and standing strong together.

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Fun and Recreational Activity @ MOC Ghatkopar


On October 21, 2023, we had a really fun Garba dance at MOC Ghatkopar Centre. It was a day full of joy and smiles for everyone, whether they were patients staying in the hospital (IPD) or just visiting (OPD).
We asked everyone to join the Garba dance – we wanted to spread happiness to all. The day started with great music, and people of all ages came to the dance floor to show their Garba dance moves. Some danced in the usual way, while others added their own special style. This mix of dances made the day extra special.
We had a very special guest from Kenya who was in the hospital. He joined the Garba dance with a lot of excitement and happiness. He had never tried Garba before, but he loved it and showed it with his dance moves.
People from different backgrounds and cultures came together to celebrate and share their happiness. It was a day to remember.
This day was all about celebrating our culture and coming together like one big family. It reminded us that happiness doesn’t have any boundaries, and dance and music can bring people from different places closer.

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Fun and Recreational Activity @ MOC Ghatkopar

On Saturday, October 7th, 2023, at 11 a.m. in the morning, we organized a Fun and Recreational Activity at MOC Ghatkopar center, aiming to uplift the spirits of cancer warriors and enhance their overall well-being and quality of life.
Participants were paired up into groups of two people. During this interactive session, each participant had the opportunity to introduce their partner, sharing their partner’s name, location, and their partner’s hobbies. This activity fostered connections and lifted spirits by promoting positive interactions among the attendees.
Following the introduction session, we engaged in enjoyable games with our patients. These games not only brought laughter and joy but also contributed to improving the overall well-being of our cancer warriors. The lively and engaging atmosphere helped reduce stress and anxiety.
Cancer warriors showcased the incredible talents individually. This gave them the opportunity to share their unique abilities, inspiring others and reinforcing the message that they are not defined by their illness.
The event also included a music segment where some of our patients showcased their dance moves to their favourite tunes. This not only spread joy and enthusiasm throughout the gathering but also contributed to enhancing the overall promoting physical activity and emotional well-being. Additionally, a delightful 10-minute session of Garba and Lavani added a cultural touch to our event, celebrating diversity of Indian tradition.
To conclude our memorable day, we dedicated some time to gather feedback and receive valuable suggestions from our patients. This feedback will be instrumental in shaping our upcoming activities, ensuring that we continue to meet the objectives of uplifting cancer warriors’ spirits, enhancing their well-being, motivating them for treatment.
The estimated budget for organizing this event was 9,450, but the actual expenditure incurred amounted to 8,450.
Within the allocated budget, we allocated Rs. 8,000 for providing lunch to both the patients and their relatives, with the remaining Rs. 450 dedicated to purchasing smiley balls as thoughtful gifts for the patients.

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